European Commission Opens Public Consultation on ‘Contractual PPP’

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The launch by the European Commission of a public consultation around the Public Private Partnership is an important step towards securing the Digital Single Market. ENISA welcomes this initiative and invites its stakeholders to contribute.

In line with the Digital Single Market (DSM) Strategy, the European Commission launched today a public consultation on how to best set up a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) on cybersecurity. The consultation is published along with a Roadmap outlining policy options designed to promote the growth of the European cybersecurity industry.

The public consultation will be open until 11 March 2016 and will be primarily concerned with where to focus efforts for establishing the PPP (which is expected to become operational in the course of 2016). In addition, the consultation will cover several policy areas, such as cybersecurity standardisation, certification, labelling, access to financing, and start-up support. Finally, it seeks stakeholders' views on R&I priorities that would be best addressed at the European level through Horizon 2020.

In particular, the consultation aims to gather information in the following areas:

  • cybersecurity risks & threats that people and businesses in Europe are facing
  • cybersecurity market conditions in Europe
  • PPP technical priorities for research & innovation

Udo Helmbrecht, Executive Director of ENISA, said: “The public consultation demonstrates the commitment of the European Commission to consult the community in this important development. ENISA is pleased to support this initiative and asks stakeholders and interested parties to contribute”.

ENISA fully supports the objectives of the Digital Single Market and has produced a short paper explaining how the Agency can contribute to achieving the initiative’s goals. ENISA’s paper on the Digital Single market can be found here.

ENISA provides advice, recommendations and assistance to the EU Member States in implementing relevant EU legislation. The Agency engages stakeholders and the industry in exchanging good practices, information and ideas towards the improvement of CIIP in Europe.


The Consultation:

The consultation can be found here (questionnaire available in English, French and German):

Useful Links

Cybersecurity industry

Cybersecurity roadmaps 
Cybersecurity initiatives  
Cybersecurity Factsheet…

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